Thursday, June 3, 2010

In Israel at last

What a flight. It was quite interesting, though. The flight from SFO to Philadelphia was uneventful except that I had to pay for lunch. While in Philadelphia airport awaiting the boarding of the flight to Tel Aviv, some of the Jewish men gathered together for prayer.
They faced a wall (the direction of the Holy City??) and read from a prayer book. Some rocked back and forth while praying (especially the Orthodox Jews). While in flight the Jewish man I sat next to got out his phylacteries and prayed. All quite interesting!

The food was good and free on the overseas flight.

I had no trouble in customs and Aaron and Brenda picked me up at the airport and we drove to Bethlehem. There was a sand storm so the air was dusty and, quite frankly, the landscape looked dry and barren even though there was vegetation. Tomorrow we will go to Jerusalem--I hope the air is clearer!

Falafals for dinner were very good.

Well, I'm pooped! got about 3 hours sleep (maybe). Thank you for your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear from you. Had to pay for your lunch? lol..keep us posted, I know we love to hear details. Hi to Aaron and Brenda!
